MindScape Class
If your interested in reaching your full potential and living an extraordinary life then MindScape might be for you…
MindScape is a wonderful method for tapping into faculties of the creative and intuitive mind not normally so accessible to our everyday life.
I teach ways of engaging intuition at will and enhancing creative and intuitive abilities. This offers great benefits and opens vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work. Moreover, the techniques are also powerful tools for personal development, and open interesting possibilities for therapists and other practitioners, such as distant sessions.
The class really deepens your connection with yourself, your abilities to “tap into” those around you. It grounds the intuition, giving it structure and helping you to trust and deepen your connection with it. I love teaching this class so much, it really is special.
“I found Mindscape to be great fun, but it’s not just a nice weekend. It’s provided me with a practical, useful tool that is always with me for getting guidance and a different perspective in most situations, while also expanding my intuition, imagination and creativity. Having just completed the weekend course, I feel I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible from using Mindscape and I’m excited about finding that out.
Eloise is both an excellent teacher and a lovely person to spend the weekend with. She provides a nice balance of professionalism and clarity with warmth and fun. If you’re thinking about doing a course or session with her, I recommend going for it!”
I teach MindScape over a weekend. The class includes a detailed manual and after class support. I was the UK’s first MindScape instructor, after years of running the class, and taking it multiple times with many different instructors… it was time to teach it.
MindScape makes for a fascinating weekend workshop, and many past participants attest to it as being one of the most interesting courses they have ever attended! It can be learned by anyone, at any age, with no experience necessary for attending the course (I often have teenagers come along with their parents). The course is both instructional and experiential, I teach the techniques and then leading everyone through hands-on practice.
Sometimes I offer an evening presentation where you can come and learn more about MindScape.
At the end of the weekend you will have your very own MindScape workshop and be experienced and proficient to start using it in your everyday life.
To find out classes near you with Eloise CLICK HERE
Want to know more? Download my old MindScape brochure
“I signed up to Mindscape in February 2020 with an open mind and no expectations as to what I would gain from the course. Having completed the course over 2 days, to say my mind was blown is an understatement. I left the course with an energy that was infectious and wanted everyone to experience what I had experienced. I also took part in some sessions that Eloise did online during lockdown which reinforced what I had learned during the course but also made me commit to myself again.
“I was blown away with my …[class exercise]… results, almost perfect. I also feel a lot lighter, brighter and I am so excited about continuing my MS journey. Thank you Eloise, I am so grateful to have had this distant opportunity.”
“MindScape, taught by Eloise Ansell over four days, may just change your life. The power was and always will be yours, learn how to access it with Eloise, then set yourself Free!.”
“It is over 8 years since I first took Mindscape with Eloise but I did not invest the time in it back then. I recalled almost everything as she took us beautifully through the techniques and feel my workshop has just been waiting for me to need it and now is definitely the right time with global changes and personal challenges. Within a a couple of days I was called through a body talk session to use my workshop to invite in help for my dog. The result a chilled pooch and a happier owner😊 I did this class on Zoom, which gave a surprisingly lovely intimacy to the group, Eloise held a great space for us and her bubbly and deeply knowledgable teachings I Would highly recommend to anyone 🙏”
“Taking MindScape with Eloise was something I had intended to do for years, and it was no let down! The content is fascinating and really mind-opening and has given me an extra layer to my intuition and a structure for me to more easily access it and get answers not just for my creativity – but for life itself. I would highly recommend it!”
“MindScape with Eloise was amazing. It totally exceeded my expectations. As the days went on I could feel it would be life changing for me. When the course was over I wanted to do it all over again, I loved it so much. Thanks so much Eloise for expanding my mind and intuition in so many ways.”
“I was so delighted to see Eloise was running MindScape online. I’ve wanted to take her class for so long but I was unable to travel. I really enjoyed the 4 days and learned so much. I expect great changes in all areas of my life now that I have MindScape.”
“I have just completed the mindscape course with Eloise. I found the weekend truly enlighting and revealing. It allowed me to explore the inner workings of my subconscious in a safe and supported way. I also learned methods to tap into the universal consciousness to help develop my creativity and intuition. Eloise was a great teacher, approachable, funny and kind. I would recommend anyone to do it and expand their potential.
Thanks again for the course I really enjoyed it.”
Over a weekend Eloise took us on an adventure. Handled with skill, care and wit, she allowed us to find out for ourselves what a powerful tool MindScape is. I cannot think of time better spent.”
I feel it’s a really useful and wide ranging skill and it really complements other practices and approaches. It’s made me feel excited about possibilities, more aware of where I am (and also where i’d like to be) and therefore happier.
Eloise is a really lovely and I felt in very good hands!”
I am so glad I did the course and use it daily. During the course I found an ipod mini in my workshop. My boyfriend was adamant he wasn’t going to buy one for me but I didnt concern myself with how and when I would get one and just enjoyed it in the workshop. He did get me one for me for Christmas!!!!
I have also managed to find two important things I had lost as well as many other wonderful things too- absolutely loving it all :)”
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