Some of the testimonials from my clients:

“I love working with Eloise. Her sessions are gentle, insightful and transformative. She has a magical way of working with elements from both the past and the present, supporting my healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. I trust her process entirely. Within just a couple of sessions I started to feel significant shifts, and these are continuing on a timeline that feels right for me and my body.”


January 2025 - UK

“My family and I have had the good fortune to be treated by Eloise for the last 10 years. During that time she has provided healing and a different perspective for a whole range of physical ailments, trauma, emotional issues and general stuckness. We appreciate her breadth of knowledge plus her experience of physiology, eastern and Western tools, beliefs and spiritual practices.  We have witnessed physical changes to the body during distance treatments and are frequently amazed by her ability to intuitively pinpoint exactly what is going on at an emotional level.  We also love her balance of professionalism and sense of humour with her obvious passion for her work.”


December 2024 - Oxford

“I’m so glad I have Eloise in my life as I can turn to her when I am in need of clarity and healing.  Her healings are amazing as she picks up on what I have been aware of (that I haven’t even told her) and then takes it further by sharing what she is being shown for me.  She also picks up on new elements so I’m always hanging on her every word and leave intrigued, enlightened and feel clearer and more energised afterwards.”

February 2024, UK,

“Thank you for saving my life.
I accidentally ate some poison and was very traumatised and too scared to eat. We contacted Eloise for an emergency treatment. Eloise helped me to release the trauma and worked with my fear – what if this food is poison too. Thank you Eloise. I can eat again and I’m excited about being outside again.”
Ted the cat

February 2024, Kent UK

“It’s been two months since the session you did for my beloved dog. I‘m delighted to tell that some wonderful shifts happened since.
First he is so much calmer and able to chill. Even family and friends started commenting. Now our day to day life is much more relaxed.
Also he gets along better with the cat of my partner, they even sleep on the same sofa from time to time and I‘m sooo happy about that. This is huge! Thank you so much! “

October 2023, Switzerland

“My children have had remote healing sessions with Eloise. The results were amazing and instant. My eldest was suffering from depression and anxiety, nausea and vomiting – after Eloise’s session the problems seemed to dissipate over night.

My youngest was experiencing bouts of unexplained anger – through the session it appeared to be linked to past life issues as well as difficulties he has experienced over the past few years. It took a few weeks to clear fully but each day the anger reduced. He can now talk about his frustrations and what angers him so we can make changes to suit what he needs and his temperament.

The changes in both children have been miraculous- Eloise I cannot thank you enough- you truly are a miracle worker! Xx”


October 2023, UK

“Wow! This session was so powerful.
Throughout the whole session I had waves of chills and tingles moving through my body. I feel like I‘m still processing, but there’s one thing I want to share. I haven‘t felt comfortable driving my car since I got my license two years ago, but over the weekend I drove to the city and managed even parking without feeling insecure. Not one bit, I was very relaxed.
This is amazing and I‘m sure it shifted because of our session. So cool, thank you!!!”

September 2023, Switzerland

Had a lovely email today. Sometimes you do sessions & never get to hear the outcome! But sometimes it takes a few years to arrive…
“Hi Eloise,
I hope you are well. It’s been a while since we had contact and randomly you popped into my head today.
I just felt the need to send my love, thanks and gratefulness to you.
I don’t know if you remember the remote sessions that you did for my daughter at the end of 2020. She had been trying for a baby for over a year when she had some remote sessions with you. On the last of three you recommended a break, as her body needed time to work on healing and she wasn’t ready for pregnancy just yet. Well true to form this did happen and she naturally conceived her daughter in March 21.
She had a perfect pregnancy and I’m sat here today playing with my beautiful granddaughter.
Thank you Eloise!
With love”

March 2023

“It’s hard to put into words how much we value Eloise’s extraordinary work.  A lot of it is so subtle that it’s always going to be tricky to ascribe specific cause and effect – especially if other life factors may also be contributing to what’s happening.  However…
…since falling ill back in 1996, we have had one core goal: to be able, one day, to have a body-mind system which was no longer in conflict with itself.  We described it simply as ‘being in rapport with our dreams’. 
For years, Eloise has been someone we’ve turned to from time to time when we needed help with that journey.  And this spring – while taking part in her Energy Extravaganza – a series of otherwise inexplicable shifts happened which meant we finally arrived at that long longed-for state.  For the first time in 26 years – with Eloise’s help, and thanks to her remarkable generosity of spirit – we have our life back.  You can’t put a price on that.”

May, 2022

“I was stressed about buying a new car and having money issues, so I booked a session with Eloise to work on this. Within 48 hours, I got a $10,000 raise from work out of nowhere! The next day I was handed a check for $1,500, and that evening I came home to a letter congratulating me on winning a $500 VISA card.
And the blessings just kept pouring in. I found the car I had been looking for and got it for a great price (with a surprisingly low-interest rate), and a few weeks later, I received an email letting me know that I had won a prize in a contest I entered for a 90-minute session with a money expert. (I learned more about money and investing in that session than I have learned my whole life). My most recent win was a $100 Amazon gift card. Not a bad return on investment for one session.
I highly recommend booking a session with Eloise – she is pure magic!”
** I can’t guarantee you will all get lots of money after a session! But anything is possible 😉
Krissy P, Canada

February, 2022

“The week before Christmas 2021, I fell while ice skating and fractured my patella (knee cap) and tibia. While in A&E waiting to see the doctor, I contacted Eloise and asked for ‘distance healing’. A couple of weeks after my return home I asked for another distance session. In less than 4 weeks of my fall I was walking around and going up and down stairs pain free without a brace.

Today, exactly a month after injury the only mobility that remains slightly restricted is kneeling and sitting back on my heels. I am almost 70!

Thank you Eloise!”

Viv, UK

January, 2022

“I‘ve had 1:1 sessions with Eloise for a few years and am also a member of The Freedom Hub. 

Eloise’s touch is so gentle and so subtle that I can’t specifically say what changed for me and when, but big change has happened in my life and Eloise’s sessions have helped me facilitate that I feel sure. 

I finished writing my book ‘Life and Love in Africa’ and got it published, then I moved 300 miles to be beside the seaside, a dream fulfilled on both counts!

The fact that I had the motivation and wherewithal to achieve all this came from the energy within me, which is exactly what Eloise’s sessions tap into, so who knows, if I hadn’t found Body Talk and Eloise would I be where I am now?  I can’t say, but I know I am in a very good place mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically and I wouldn’t give up my sessions for the World!”

Gill, UK

January, 2022

“One day back in June 2021 I noticed my heart, for no apparent reason, was racing. At the insistence of a worried friend I ended up in A&E and once there a lovely team of medics started their investigations and found the levels of an enzyme called  Troponine, that the heart releases when under stress and a common indicator of recent or pending heart attack, were over 100x what they should have been. Despite protesting that I felt fine, I was immediately admitted.

Closely monitored overnight, early the next day I was sent for an angiogram and it was discovered I had a takotsubo cardiomyopathy – ballooning in the heart caused by acute stress. This is a usually temporary condition (it seems caused by a recent tooth abscess) but the hospital and later my GP, wanted to put me on beta-blockers and steroids immediately and possibly for life. I refused since my BP had remained normal throughout.

Shortly after I was discharged I went to see Eloise. I knew my heart was strong but I could feel it still racing. About 1/3 of the way through our session I felt it slow down and return to normal resting pace. From that day to this it has never tripped out again, nor have I ever taken any of the suggested medication.

Two months later I had a follow-up echocardiogram and the consultant cardiologist wrote a footnote for me on her letter to my GP it said:

Note to the patient: I am delighted to say that your echocardiogram shows that 
your heart is now looking entirely normal. This is extremely pleasing news.

It certainly was – thank you Eloise!”

Viv, UK

September, 2021

“My finger swelled up and I was worried I’d have to go to A&E to have my wedding ring cut off.  Via a distance session, Eloise manged to get the swelling to start going down within half-an-hour so I could get the ring off!”

Catherine, UK

August 2021

“After experiencing several key traumatic events in a short space of time earlier this year, I had the good fortune to have individual and group treatments with Eloise, her intuitive healing practice during this period has enabled me to focus deeply on my own needs and as I got stronger I was able to return to the day to day with greater ease and emotional comfort.
Not only were my physical ailments treated, but my internal emotional strength has returned in a very short time. Huge thanks Eloise for your continued care.”
Angela Evans, September 2019

“Eloise has done some amazing work on my knees- for years I was limping and the knee would give way. She did several sessions on it and cleared a lot of emotional and physical issues and I experienced significantly less pain and more flexibility after she had finished. I highly recommend her services. Thank you Eloise.”


Caroline Nettle, July 2019

“Eloise has recently completed two Bodytalk sessions for my 4 year old son.  He had been recovering from a very serious bout of gastroenteritis he contracted on holiday, which resulted in him staying in hospital for 4 days for dehydration and salt loss.  After each session I saw a very tangible shift in his health and very strong physical indicators that the Bodytalk session had had a huge impact on his recovery.  I saw improvement in his overall vitality, improved functioning of his physical systems and increase in his energy levels and general wellbeing – within 24 hours of each treatment.

I had been implementing a very careful diet during his hospital stay and the weeks after,  to calm his digestive system.  The bodytalk sessions had a massive impact on this process and I could see the results on his digestive system straight away, again within 24 hours of each session.  He also had some very sore patches of eczema on his cheeks – it kept coming and going and we were trying lots of diet changes, natural creams but nothing would completely clear it.  Since the day after the second treatment, it has completely disappeared and a month later is still clear, which is amazing!

I would unreservedly recommend Eloise and her treatments – I feel very comforted to know she is available to support my son’s health.”

Bethan Carr, May 2019

“I cannot praise Eloise enough for her beautiful and transformational sessions. 

Listening to her recordings is incredibly soothing and reassuring, her sessions are insightful and powerful and I always feel like she’s brought magic and love into new spaces of my life. 

I’m so grateful to have this wonderful healer as both a practitioner and guide on this wonderful journey of healing and growth.”


Candice Jules, March 2019

“Thank you so much for taking your time looking into my daughter’s condition.
After your distance session, I told her that you had invited her into your workshop, and she was happy about that. (I’ve often been talking to her about Body Talk and your session. )
During the session you had mentioned that the electric outlet near her bed is bothering her sleep. Yes !! I haven`t paid much attention about it but there actually is an electric outlet on the wall, and is on her left side. I was so surprised !
I could not move her bed away from the outlet so I  put on the outlet covers for babies. We’ll see how it will work.
As you had advised me, I told her that the blue lightnings that she is seeing 
is something like a fairy, something that will  protect her.  Then she had showed me a BIG smile with relief ! Her concern was removed by your words, thank you ! 
Not only that I like your Body Talk techniques, but also your personality, who accepts patients’ struggles gently and heals it powerfully with wisdom. 
Thank you thank you for all your sessions throughout 2018, it helped me and my daughter so much. It was like a spIecial treat for myself. 
I would really like to come back to you again. “


Fumi, Japan 2019

“I’ve had a year of distance sessions with Eloise and when I look back over that time, I am in a very different place to twelve months ago.
I have seen a lot of positive changes in my life, and although externally, in lots of ways things have remained the same, inside, I feel a million miles away from the place I was then, in a good way. I was reacting to life and now I am acting.
It’s hard to describe to people what Eloise does exactly, but I can say precisely how I feel; much better!”


Ellen, November 2018

“Thank you Eloise

What can I say? Louise is like a kitten again, bouncing around everywhere. She has so much energy…

She sat with me for my session and asked to be tapped out as well… then for her session she became very alert and wanted tapping out again.

Thank you… Speak soon

Sara xx”

Session for her cat Louise (17 years old) who had spent 2 weeks in & out of the vet due to vomiting.


Sara Guest, August 2018

I am so grateful to you and your amazing capacity for healing, for ‘seeing’….for your guidance and your insight.  You are such a talented and natural intuitive.  The support I have received for my health, my life and my ‘work’, my offerings in this world…is invaluable and I am so grateful to you, Eloise!

Kimba Bridgeman, June 2018

I was slightly sceptical at first with regard to what would shift and how Eloise would know what was going on for me. This concern was dispelled after my first session with Eloise. I can actually feel things shifting physically in my body during a session, even when it is a distant session. Every time I have a session with Eloise, I am surprised once again with just how accurate and relevant the themes she picks up are to what is going on in my life at the time. Eloise always manages to access those things which once I hear them, I know they were always there but I had never given conscious awareness to before, something which already starts the shifting take place.

Sarah Prijs, October 2017

My son started with Eloise just after his 10th birthday. Since then he has had 5 sessions and we have seen some fantastic changes occur with him. Previously he found it difficult to sit down and focus on homework for any period of time. Now he can easily sit and work for an hour with some help and guidance from his parents. He is also showing greater concentration in school and reports of improved numeracy and literacy work are coming back from his teachers regularly. His reading has really improved and with that we have noticed his confidence increase and he now initiates reading books he interested in himself. He has always slept well but he does not move around in bed as much anymore and will often wake up in the same position he went to sleep.  As a parent the most important change has been with his overall mood. He is an extremely happy child and enjoys going into school and life at home. He has really good balance and can deal with small upsets easily and carries on in his merry way. From all of our family, thank you Eloise!”
Tim Adamson, September 2017

“I have been to a number of Body Talk sessions with Eloise now and also done the Access and Fundamentals courses and am convinced that Body Talk is the way forward for anyone interested in being proactive with their own health.  I can’t claim any miracles in terms of pain relief or anything tangible like that, but having had a diagnosis of MS in 2013, can say that I feel amazingly well, I am convinced my distance eyesight has improved and I feel to have less really tired days, all of which has to be a plus.  As with all these things I have no proof it is the Body Talk and may be a combination of all the things I am doing in terms of keeping myself well, but just the mere experience of the sessions themselves are fascinating, and having learnt more about it I realise the possibilities are endless for everyone, no matter what their state of health.  The first session is a leap of faith, but so worth it, thanks Eloise x”

Gill, Shefford – May 2017

“I have been to see Eloise for a Body Talk Session on two occasions now I didn’t really know what to expect, I wasn’t sceptical in fact I was quite open to what it could offer I just wasn’t sure how it worked on a more practical level.

As soon as I met Eloise I felt a warmth and empathy emanate from her and I knew there and then that I was in good hands. In both sessions things have come up that I was not expecting, but I always feel safe and I absolutely always feel better.

I still don’t fully understand how it works, but all I can say is that it certainly does. You may not experience a resolution to what is going on for you be it physical, emotional or both instantaneously (although that can and does happen too), but I guarantee you will feel the benefits however big or small at some stage after a session. I recommend that you go and experience it for yourself you have nothing to loose and so much to gain from giving it a try. I have learnt to trust more fully that our bodies are designed in our best interests and with expert guidance and understanding from Eloise I have come to do a deeper appreciation of this and I am so grateful for the work she has done with me to date.”

Kat, London – December 2016

“I had session with Eloise for 2 times, and it was amazing.
It was very nice and relaxing time, and also was very interesting to know what my body was talking with her. I had never imagined that the grief from my grandmother’s death was still clinging in my lungs, which happened more than 25 years ago.
The brain draining was so nice. I fell asleep right after finishing listening the audio(it was distance session), and slept very very deeply. From the next morning I was happy and every morning I feel like “Something good will happen today!”. I don’t know how to say, but it just made me happy , light and unburdened.
Now I obtained more time with my family, an extra time to have a cup of coffe and relax,which had been hard for me to do before the session.
I am looking forward to the next session !”
Fumi from Berkshire, December 2016

“We bought a lovely 15.1 Bay Gelding in October – beautifully schooled and talented but quite highly strung at times. I asked Eloise to do a BodyTalk session on him mainly because he wont let anyone touch his ears and getting a bridle on him is tricky! Also I felt his jumping was not flowing and wondered if he had an issue in his back.
It was the most incredible experience, we found out all sorts of things from a trauma with lots of grief when he was 4 days old, to taking on an old owners problem (when we bought him we were told one of his owners went through a nasty divorce.
He yawned and poured the ground and pointed to parts of his body and shock during the session, the next day both myself and my daughter were able to touch is ears, getting the bridle on was SO much easier and he is jumping beautifully with more height and smoothness. He generally feels like a calmer happier horse. It was incredible.”
Louise, June 2016

I had my first Body Talk session with Eloise 2 weeks ago and it was quite amazing.
Very hard to describe, but I’ll try to give you a very brief summary.
I decided to work with Eloise because I’d been feeling quite tired and sluggish for some time with some aches and pains with the aim to increase my energy levels.
Well, straight after the session I felt incredibly tired and needed more sleep, but a week on, I feel lighter, freer and more energised than I have in a very long time.
Eloise works some kind of magic which can’t be put in a mathematical formula, but believe me, if you have any physical ailments you’d like to clear, give her a try as the shifts that happen on a physical, emotional and mental level are quite extraordinary.
I look forward to my next session and the shifts that will take place then!
Thank you Eloise you have quite a gift!
” Marianne, Sept 2015


“I had a few distant sessions with Eloise, the results are just wonderful.
I was feeling very depressed for one year and nothing seems to improve my mood.
It’s very difficult to say what have changed after the session because there is so much who have come into my life,  I’ve move into a new house, new job… New life… And Happiness is coming back.
Her sessions are really mind and life changing. BodyTalk really have a wide range of effects, just try it.
Thanks a lot Eloise for your wonderful sessions.”
Cindy – France, Sept 2015

“I had a few distant sessions with Eloise, the results are just wonderful.
I was feeling very depressed for one year and nothing seems to improve my mood.
It’s very difficult to say what have changed after the session because there is so much who have come into my life,  I’ve move into a new house, new job… New life… And Happiness is coming back.
Her sessions are really mind and life changing. BodyTalk really have a wide range of effects, just try it.
Thanks a lot Eloise for your wonderful sessions.”
Cindy – France, Sept 2015

“I have had regular BodyTalk sessions since December 2014 to deal with sleeplessness, lack of concentration, depression and lethargy. The improvement was immediate after the first session. I was amazed at the events and emotions, some going back more than 25 years ago, that were uncovered during those sessions. All of my initial symptoms have been completely resolved, much to the benefit of my home and work life. The treatment is completely non-invasive and Eloise is an excellent practitioner whom I would highly recommend.”

Paul, July 2015

“BodyTalk is like nothing else: it gradually tells the story of why you’re here, how you have been affected by experiences along the way and what possibilities await you in the future.

Eloise guides you through each session with an intuitive grace and humour. She consistently amazes me with her insight.”

Deb, UK 2015

“When I first read about Bodytalk it seemed a little elusive. I never imagined that after so many years of alternative therapies that there existed such profound and life altering therapy unveiling the layers of our selves congested by our experiences. I first contacted Eloise for assistance and support during a time when I was about to have major surgery. I had already had a few Bodytalk sessions and I was amazed at the perfection in treating exactly what was relevant. Little did I know how truly profound it could get with Eloise. She was able to delve into a level far beyond the exterior of pain discomfort or malaise. I am amazed at how this technique works at distance. With this capacity Eloise is able to run her session at the exact appropriate time. I couldn’t really imagine it until I was actually experiencing it for the first time. I felt the shifting and the extreme lightening of the self the moment she was doing the session and not even knowing that she was doing it. The session sound file is then sent where I can listen and reaffirm the shifts and rebalancing. Her warm and generous nature is evident with her therapy and is truly a wonderful gift that I cherish and feel very lucky to have. She responded to my treatment needs with full support and kindness. My operation recovery was incredibly facilitated by my sessions with her. So many difficulties have been made easy. I am always amazed at the complexity of ourselves and how Bodytalk is able to access communicate and alleviate. Thank you Eloise I look forward to an ongoing journey of healing, learning and balancing with you, for me and my family.”

ZS, Morocco, April 2015

“My daughter had had itch and tummy ache for around 3 years. She had been seeing several other holistic therapists for years, all of which did help somewhat,  but we never seemed to be able to really eliminate the root cause.

After only 3 sessions with Eloise there’s been a massive improvement, and I would say she’s ‘cured’. She does have a slight tummy pain still before going to the toilet, I am confident they will be totally gone in a couple of weeks time.

She used to react very badly to sugar – instantly, but she is fine with it now so far. Also so happy to see my daughter’s core personality again, which had been hidden for a long time behind hesitation, caution and anxiety. So relieved to see my daughter’s zest, strength and enthusiasm again!

The sessions might seem a little costly, but seeing the results with just three sessions they are super cost effective. I wished I had found Eloise sooner – it would have saved my daughter a lot of aggravation and me a lot of money!”

Melissa, UK 2015

“I have experienced distance sessions before via Skype but not with Eloise and not delivered by MP3.
I sensed at the time that it was happening but didn’t know for sure so when I saw the email and read the time it had been done I knew that already shifts were occurring.
As I began to listen I felt a great sense of relaxation wash over me, the detail Eloise picked up on was extremely relevant and I love the fact that I can listen to the session again and embrace the content over and over!
Awesome. Thankyou and looking forward to next time. ”
Nancy Hughes CBP UK 2015

“Bodytalk sessions with Eloise are Amazing!! It doesn’t matter what you think needs addressing because you always get exactly what you need!! I always look forward to my sessions with her because no matter what comes up for releasing and however bizarre the circumstance I end up giggling and laughing (even after tears..) and Eloise’s way of facilitating the session is ALWAYS spot on!! She is a Joy to be around and I have definitely benefitted from these sessions. Experiencing Bodytalk with Eloise has shown me how my body has such an incredible innate wisdom (which we all possess) and can ‘tap into’ if you are open to listening and observing ….. If you feel curious and would like to try a Bodytalk session then I highly recommend Eloise for her skills, professionalism, warmth and honesty.”

VB, London UK, 2015

“Thanks Eloise – really interesting session! – and yes, I would definitely say relevant. I think the ‘masculine’ energy would tie in with our discussion around me feeling the need to be seen as ‘capable’. And as ‘head’ of my family and ‘provider’ there is again an emphasis on the masculine – more so than at any other time in my life. It occurs to me that this could also serve as an obstacle to meeting someone new. While I allow the masculine energy to dominate there won’t be any room for a man…by embracing my feminine side I would in a way be surrendering and allowing someone else to take that place? Time to buy myself some new dresses – all winter I’ve been in trousers or casual in jeans…time to embrace that feminine woman within :-)”

CG Australia

“I received my very first body talk session from Eloise last month and have been completely blown away by the results.

A little about me, I am a therapist and am fully open to healing in all forms and am always trying to work on myself and learn more about living a healthy and happy life. I have no major health concerns, however I accept that old thoughts and negative patterns can manifest illnesses in the body.

I had no idea what to expect but found the experience both relaxing and very enlightening. Eloise picked up a few minor health concerns immediately, which were spot on, and have cleared up or are being worked on. On the deeper side there were some past-life issues with my heart and she visualized some memories, which completely resonated with me and what I have been told and made aware of in the past. This revelation has really reminded me to remember to forgive hurts and pains from past lives, which I had previously only done for my present life. I already can feel dramatic changes within my thought patterns and body. As always with forgiveness, there is a sense of peace and I have never felt such a deep sense of peace such as this before.

I am a naturally intuitive person, but find I block in out at times, which Eloise acknowledged, on this note I have been listening to my intuition a little more and been having plenty of prophetic dreams which have all come true. The neighbour’s dog even came to me to say goodbye in a dream, before she passed away.

In our busy lives we forget about how our thoughts and past experiences could seriously affect our health and lives, It is so good to reminded of this fact and work through it.

This truly is an incredible experience and could help with so many problems both physical and emotional, I would highly recommend everyone to try it and see how it works for you, I can’t wait to book my next session before I head off on a long holiday. I feel fantastic and so happy and healthy.

Thank you Eloise, Love and light”

Fran - Reading UK 2014

“Many thanks for this session. You really got deeply into issues that are very relevant to me, amazing. Thank you for the support and healing which is very much appreciated. It really helps me to validate my intuition, the fact that you can connect to the same things…. but you usually help by adding a different perspective for me.”

Tricia, UK 2014

“Hi Eloise – I just wanted to share with you some changes I’ve noticed since our last session. You might remember there were a lot of links around ‘Time’ and basically not having enough of it. Interestingly, I have been able to effortlessly apply changes to my life so that I am now able to do more, without stress, and also have more ‘me’ and down-time. Feeling much lighter and in the flow ? ”

Cherie, Australia 2014

“Thanks for the session. It is really amazing what you uncover and how it so accurately connects with what is going on in my life. I am in real transition at the moment, embarking on a new career, so growing into myself is very relevant.”

UK 2014

“Thankyou Eloise. It was lovely to see you to! On 19th at 2.30pm I went to see out manager about my wrist which has been feeling weak and hurting and I realised I had repetitive strain. Within minutes I was in with the physio who then came to look at my work station and sort me out and said I should do less typing ( so now I am back to doing my letters on tape not typing myself – great!) It was then that I realised it was 3pm – when things [the session] were supposed to happen! Today my wrist has been much better and the weakness was hardly noticeable!”

Jenny, UK 2014

“You are a lovely person as well as a bit of a genius, and I just wanted to tell you that I think your sessions have made me a much more confident person and more at ease with myself. I’m sure life at the moment would be much harder if it weren’t for all the shifts you’ve helped me make.”

Berkshire UK, 2014

“I am excited by the uncanny way that BT works and that it has appeared at this time. Simple and goes straight to the heart of what our bodies need adjusting.

I am experiencing shifts in my being and health at a deeper level than the symptoms i came in for!

Eloise is a powerful practitioner of what seems to be a very effective healing art.”

Mike S, Brighton 2013

“It was two years ago when my life literally nosedived into chaos. I became really ill following the death of my nephew who was killed by a drunk driver. At the same time work became a huge stress and I had a mental breakdown. I did return to work as a primary school teacher but I was very poorly. Then just a year ago my mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer and a long illness has followed. I was suffering badly from a life long condition of irritable bowel syndrome and I instinctively knew my grief and my mums ill health was making me ill. I felt that if I didn’t get help, I would develop a terminal illness.

In my search for answers I turned to Eloise for support, I had read about the benefits of this health care system on internet websites and I had listened to testimonials. Instantly I knew that this was the treatment I needed as it dealt with the root cause of ill-health – negative thoughts and emotions that become a physical illness. I felt so ill but after one session with Eloise the pains in my abdomen disappeared and all other tiny aches and pains were no longer an issue. I was definitely feeling  better. I had another session and because of  the dramatic improvement in my health and my mental well-being I enrolled myself on the fundamentals Bodytalk course which I completed at the beginning of April 2013 and I now find myself fully engaged in the process of becoming a body talk practitioner with my monitoring course booked for August. Bodytalk has not only given me the opportunity to improve my health but also the health of my family friends. I have had some have outstanding results even with the basic knowledge that I have at this stage which just goes to show what an amazing health intervention bodytalk is. I have been so well supported by Eloise who advises me through texts and e-mails with advise on all of the  courses that would be right for me and basically is there to guide me through my journey. My life and has been so enhanced by meeting Eloise and being introduced to Bodytalk as a health care system. Once you are introduced to this system of health care you no longer can go back to living the life that you did before. I’m grateful for the opportunity to live the life I was meant to live with the health I was  meant to have. I am also delighted to be able to provide that support from my family and friends. Although the traumatic loss my nephew and my mother’s ill-health is still a huge distress to myself and my family through the support of the Bodytalk system we’re able to start looking forward again with hope for the future. I was in a dreadful place in a dreadful job and it was only going to get worse. After meeting Eloise and being introduced to body talk my life has completely turned around.”

Helen Holland (Now a BodyTalker herself!) Oxfordshire, 2013

“I would never have believed it, but I’ve gone from being a complete sceptic to a BodyTalk convert. I can’t recall how many sessions I’ve had, but I keep having them and I just feel better because of it. I always feel really relaxed during and after a session; often so relaxed that I fall asleep during the session! I suffer from arthritis in my spine and prior to BodyTalk sessions was regularly taking anti-inflammatory medication. I still have my condition but very rarely need to take any medication. Another thing I’ve noticed is that my general health is better, with far less coughs and colds. Although that might be due to the BodyTalk Access. Would I recommend BodyTalk, yeah I would.”

Graham - Bracknell UK 2011

“I recently received Lymphatic Drainage from Eloise. It is a strong treatment and I felt the cleansing effects for a couple of days. The treatment itself feels pleasant and I felt very relaxed during and after the massage, helped, no doubt by Eloise’s friendly and cheerful manner. I can thoroughly recommend this treatment.”

Berkshire 2010

“Eloise is friendly, professional and highly knowledgeable and genuinely cares about her clients’ well-being.
After just two Body Talk sessions, I feel happier, healthier and a pain in my abdomen has greatly reduced.”

Daniel, London, 2009

“I’ve been having BodyTalk sessions with Eloise for about 9 months now.  I must admit I was quite sceptical initially – I’ve always been of the opinion that it is only my GP that can help with any type of health problem and anything else is just a waste of time and money.  I was having a very specific issue though which was causing me real problems and which was having a knock on effect in the rest of my life leaving me stressed, depressed and frustrated.  My GP was having no luck with finding the root cause, so as a last resort I asked Eloise for help.

The results have been amazing, and although I still can’t work out WHY it works, I’m over the moon with the end result.  I’ve gone from having frequent anxiety and panic attacks and being unable to sleep properly, to feeling completely in control of my life.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt better or happier.

Eloise is a fantastic person who excels at helping people with all sorts of problems.  She is friendly, helpful and completely non-judgemental.  I don’t know what I would have done without her”

Julie - UK 2009

“I had been suffering from cluster headaches for a couple of years but numerous visits to the doctor and hospital consultants, as well as trying different tablets and painkillers, seemed to have no impact whatsoever.  The pain was excruciating, bringing me to tears at times.

Despite being a little sceptical, I decided to give BodyTalk a go after hearing good things from other people.  After just a couple of sessions I noticed a huge improvement and now they seem to have completely disappeared.  I know that cluster headaches can lie dormant for a long while and can’t say absolutely for certain that it was the BodyTalk that did the trick but I can say that since having a course of BodyTalk sessions the headaches have stopped, without me changing any other aspect of my lifestyle.

Many thanks Eloise!!”

Richard 2009

“I was initially very sceptical about Bodytalk, but as Eloise is the sort of person you know you can trust, thought I would give it a go. It most definitely is a bizarre experience- but one that does seem to do something! At the very least after each session I have had I have consistently come away feeling more relaxed, but most recently my husband shared his flu bug with me, which he struggled to kick off for more than a week- after 3 days of feeling like hell and a tapping session I woke the next morning feeling almost human!

Throughout my pregnancy I also was tapped, and when it came to the actual experience, I could not believe how quickly I progressed. At the start of labour I went from a or 2 contractions to contractions lasting 30 seconds, 3 mins apart (and a panicking husband noticing them drop to 2 mins apart in the car)- and the whole experience lasted just 4 hours- very quick for a first born (they told me next time to expect a home birth). While I can’t honestly say this was entirely due to bodytalk, I am fairly sure it had something to do with it.

So what would I say about Bodytalk? Well, it’s definitely worth giving it a go because the body is made of energy and particles, and if body talk has a way of talking to these it has to help… although I still don’t quite understand how!”

Nadia 2008