BioGeometry Immunity
BioGeometry Immunity Sheets On 11th March 2020 (as lockdown was in force or coming for many around the World) BioGeometry started sharing a free sheet for supporting the body at this time. There are 3 sections below. The original FaceBook post from March plus some...
LifePrint – Unleash Your Potential
I have heard so many friends (& BodyTalk Colleagues!) recommending LifePrint to me over the last couple of years I am thrilled Justin is coming to teach here! This course is absolutely going to rock your world… if you’re in business, a therapist, or you want some...
Timing of healing
I love my miracle clients who come in listing 5 problems and we fix 6 in one session! I wish every session was like that… but we are all different and I am always wondering why some people heal faster than others? Over my nearly 10 years in clinic, I have...
Are you coping?
Maybe you answered yes to that? Or maybe you know you are not coping deep down? Our “coping strategies” for life keep us going. They are the stories we tell ourselves, the habit we have to get through life and “keep going” when things get tough. We cope!...
I want to change the way people receive healing!
I want to change the way people receive healing. Find out more here… Want to join in? The 2018 group sessions start on 19th March... find out more here: Click here The 2017 group sessions are now open to join in! Find out more here: Click here Or get all...
How our life impacts our health… and the long term benefits of BodyTalk
“My neck was fine until just before the class!” How our life impacts our health… and the long term benefits of BodyTalk Those of you who have come to my BodyTalk Access class will know my story and many of the benefits I have personally had from my...
We can be Heroes, forever and ever
David Bowie’s tragic death has left millions today in tears asking why they are crying over someone they never met? The truth is you did meet. On a heart level. When someone sings they truly are in tune with their essence, they “sing from the heart” or...
Allow yourself to heal
“Allow yourself to heal. Allow the World and nature to heal your soul. Time in nature leads to self love. Self love leads to healing. Don’t wait another lifetime; let it happen now. Let go. Surrender. As you allow the World to heal you, you heal it too. It...
Trust the little things
So in the journey of trusting our intuition we need to notice the small things it tells us as well as the big! A big part of learning to trust our intuition is to start to notice and learn how our intuition wants to communicate with us. We need to...
When to cut the umbilical cord?
BodyTalk Founder John Veltheim has a great article on when to cut the umbilical cord. Read it here
I’m not here to fix you
“I couldn’t work on your heart chakra” she said, “It just wouldn’t open to let me”. I had been drawn to go for a Reiki session and was getting feedback after the session on what had happened. She was trying to “fix” my heart chakra and because she felt a...
Finding freedom
So I am passionate about people finding more joy and freedom in their lives. A lot of people imprison themselves… through rigidity of the mind and their thoughts, through rigidity in the body, and limiting themselves by what they think is possible....
A blessing in disguise – Kundalini in depth
For many years I have been meaning to write some information on Kundalini energy… something which when I started in clinic I knew nothing about (more on that later) and now is something that, although I am not an expert, I have had a lot of experience with...

The premise of BreakThrough is that our birthright is to live authentically and naturally. But deep-seated, unconscious convictions about who we are distort our experience of life. These disruptive beliefs do not need to be eradicated because they have no truth to...
MindScape Class If your interested in reaching your full potential and living an extraordinary life then MindScape might be for you… MindScape is a wonderful method for tapping into faculties of the creative and intuitive mind not normally so accessible to our...
BioGeometry Class
“He who knows the law of vibrations, knows all”- Hermes Trismegistrius BioGeometry is a fascinating new science based on ancient wisdom, a true modern alchemy of form! This 6-day training teaches you how to create harmony and balance in spaces, buildings, personal...
BodyTalk Access Class
BodyTalk Access is a one day class. Health empowerment in 10 minutes for everybody: Parents, Teachers, Nurses, Carers, Friends, Therapists… Enhance and maintain the well-being of yourself and others. This popular course is open to anyone wishing to learn the basic...
I have heard so many friends (& BodyTalk Colleagues!) recommending LifePrint to me over the last couple of years I was thrilled when Justin first agreed to come to the UK and teach the class! We had such a great class. This course is absolutely...